Monday, August 28, 2017

Since we are talking about Maine anyway. . . . .

That same summer I worked in Maine that I mentioned in the last post, on one of my canoe trips I got to stop by an old hunting fishing camp called Nugents Camp on Chamberlain Lake.
It is one of those places the old guides would tell you you had to stop at if you were passing it.
Accessible only by boat or float plane, it was built in 1936.
And it has log cabins.

Way back when I was there, and I would imagine is still the case, the property had no electricity.
Lighting and cooking and water heating was done by propane.
Refrigeration was done by way of an ice barn (log building) built into the hillside.
In the winter they would cut ice blocks out of the lake and store them in this ice barn, covered with saw dust.
I stopped by in July and there was still plenty of ice. Ice ponds and ice barns were a big deal before refrigeration.

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