Saturday, September 8, 2018

So much to see. . .

Well they say every picture tells a story.

As does this one. . .

Three women, all in long dresses.
The youngest looks dressed for school or something.
The one on the steps looks dressed for work.

The one almost off camera to the left has an even longer dress on, and maybe a little more dressy.

The shingled roof is well done. Shingles even and neat and in good repair.

The fire place built of probably nearby rough stone. Not a neat stone finish like a mason would do. More like it was built by the cabin builder.

No windows can be seen, but that doesn't mean there are none on the other side.

No chinking between the logs. Just boards covering some of the gaps. What ever was out side could come in. Small critters, the weather.

There is an upstairs. Probably a sleeping area.

The logs are close to the ground which means they won't last long. Maybe one or two have already failed because you can see some vertical boards covering an opening on the right front.

A home or a school?

While about the same size, this photo says different things.

Glass in the windows and curtains.

The logs are up off of the ground and well protected. Probably a warmer climate otherwise the floor would be really cold in the winter with in being so open.

With the open window on top of the side, it looks like it should have an upstairs, but no floor joists are visible from the outside. A more 'modern' joist system could have been added later. Just ventilation?

You can see the first floor joists under the windows. Flat hewn logs with the hewn sides up.

A room or two has been added on the back. A kitchen or bedrooms?

Two kids, in overalls. Probably a farm, maybe even sharecroppers.

Looks like another log building in the back ground.

A much neater house.

While in the top photo you can't imaging spending any more time inside the you absolutely needed to.
In the second photo you can imagine the inside being a little more cozy.

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