Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Making quite an entrance - doorway Sainte Genevieve Mo.

There is so much going on in this photo. And so much room for the imagination to roam.

Was this place built as a dog-trot cabin?
Was where the door is now perhaps a breeze-way at one time?

Nice doors like that would not have been built into early log homes.

At some point the entire outside was covered with some sort of plaster.

The dove-tail on the fourth log up on the right is very interesting. It seems to be either  one really think log with two dovetails, or two logs were hewn flat so they would fit tight together.  Indicating either bad planning or the use of different size logs.

And just above that course of logs the notching changes to a 'V' notch. While the notching on the right pen is hard to make out at all. Is it flat notching? 'V' notches?
Where first this would appear to be a well built nice log home with a fancy door.  It now looks more like it was built in stages over several years.

Today Sainte Genevieve is known more for its French style of building log homes with vertical logs.
But as different settlers headed west new methods or different methods of home building would have come with them.

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