An historic Missouri River town with tons of German heritage. Lots of great . . . .
. . . old buildings, wurst and award winning wine.
And a treat for me this weekend was seeing several new (to me). . . .
. . . log buildings.
This one is being rebuilt right along one of the main drags into town.
It is going to be a great restoration.
It is hard to say, without stopping some time and asking the re-builders if the roof line is original to the structure or remodeled for this reconstruction.
But this type of cantilevered roof would be pretty common on log buildings further east like in the Smoky Mountains.
The work being done is top-notch.
Wood shingles on the roof. Tongue and grove ceilings and floors.
Being a building that is going to see a lot of traffic, obviously codes must be followed and the construction around those issues is well done indeed. All is in keeping with the style of the building. What is really cool about the building is the logs that continue over the dog trot (or center) section of the building, which usually means the building was planned this way from the beginning and not just two separate cribs built side by side at different times.
If this was originally built as a barn, the open center would have made easy access for a wagon to be driven under cover. So would the big roof overhangs.
The lack of many window openings would suggest this was built as a barn.
Sitting near this wonderful barn, just behind it and up on a hill (you can just see it in the second photo) was another reconstruction underway.
It appears that the building on the right originally sat on this site and at one time had had additions and siding put on the original log structure.
As with many log buildings, when additions are added new doors and windows are cut into the logs to accommodate the new floor plan. This can some times leave the original logs very cut up when someone comes along to take them down for a reconstruction.
The back left cabin with siding is the one on the original site.
It is hard to tell from this picture, but the second log from the bottom is about eighteen inches tall. A very big log, which would mean less trees had to be taken down to complete a wall, but also required more man (horse?) power to move.
Some new foundation work was being done to bring it up to code.
This 'new' addition was being erected next to the original house and is up on a nice new foundation that is very well done.
This cabin came from another site and is being rebuilt here. The logs were all tag and numbered.
It will be interesting to follow this reconstruction over the next year or so.
Part two in the next day or so.
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