The other day I talked about this classic not to far from me and how I checked on it the other day and found . . . .
. . . some guys hard at work taking it down. Which is a good thing.
Today they were tagging more of the logs and I had a chance to have a good long talk with them while they worked.

The only place I had ever seen them used before was either on the top plate logs and rafters, or on post and beam buildings.
Today I had a neat surprise.
Each log on one pen of this dogtrot cabin had roman numerals.
If you look at the center of each one of these logs you can see the numbers. The center one has 'VII' marked in it. The others are also marked but a little harder to see.
What was also neat about this cabin is that it had a
'W' on the west logs and an 'N' on the north logs.
That was so cool.
Here is a close up of four of the numbers.