Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How they are sometimes hidden.

From a site that sells old log buildings.

But has you can see on the site, sometimes you have to know what you are looking for to find hidden gems.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Conway park

Two log cabins.
Conway Park, St Louis County.

What is interesting and rare about this one is the logged gable ends. This usually indicates that the cabin is real old and has probably never been moved before.
When logs were easy to come by, but milled lumber was not, log gables were the standard.
Once better roofing supplies and milled lumber came along or in more populated areas, framed gables became common.

From the other blog, my latest.

We did drive home through one of my favorite little villages, Schluersburg. Not much left, some old farms, a nice church, and a couple of real neat dog-trot log cabins.

This first one still lived in.
And this wonderfully maintained one that now serves as a little museum.

Period doors and windows are well taken care of.

I once did some consulting on this one.
The owner was worried about a twisted log up in the top half-story, and was concerned about the safety of the structure.
I examined the log, which was gigantic, and told him in my opinion the log had twisted many, many years ago, was to large and to dry to re-twist back, and because it was so old, it wasn't going to twist anymore.

That was over twenty years ago, and it still looks sound and beautiful on these undeveloped acres.

Snow still hanging on, on the north side.
Covered and protected on the sides and back.

Assistant had been asking about wishing wells, having spotted a yard decoration one on our drive, so when chance came to explore the real thing. . .
. . . off she went..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Log Blog

Welcome. I have decided to have a seperate Blog just for my log building adventures, and will be updating log stuff here from now on.
So, in a short time look for old posts and new right here.